SmartProfiler Security Indicators

Microsoft Active Directory Indicators

MITRE and ANSSI Supported Active Directory Assessment by SmartProfiler

51 Health Checks

190 Security Checks

49 Configuration Checks

SmartProfiler for Active Directory can look for both Security Indicators; Indicator Of Exposure (IOE) and Indicator Of Compromise (IOC).

Evidence that someone may have accessed a network or endpoint within an organization is known as an indicator of compromise, or IOC. This forensic data not only points to a possible danger, but also indicates that an attack—such as one involving malware, credential theft, or data exfiltration—has already taken place. Event logs, extended detection and response (XDR) systems, and security information and event management (SIEM) systems are the places where security experts look for IOCs. The team use IOCs to neutralize threats and minimize damage during an attack. IOCs aid an organization’s security team in strengthening security and lowering the likelihood of a recurrence of a similar incident by providing a deeper understanding of what transpired after recovery. 

“Indicators of Exposure” describes various attack vectors that could be easily exploited by hackers to get access to a company. These attack vectors could include misconfigured or Active Directory components.

SmartProfiler for Active Directory supports Security Indicators recommended by ANSSI, MITRE and Microsoft.




Microsoft 365 Indicators

115 CIS Checks

119 SmartProfiler Checks

CIS V3.1.0 Tests

Here is the list of tests included with SmartProfiler for M365. SmartProfiler offers additional tests which are not included in CIS V3.1.0 list.

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