Businesses have deployed Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) in production. However, many AVD environments are still not utilizing full capabilities of FSLogix and Windows 10/Windows 11 or these AVD environments might be missing recommended settings. We have designed SmartProfiler AVD Assessment Tool that can be used to perform assessment of complete AVD environment and provide an Assessment Report which includes issues and recommendations to fix the issues. Improving AVD Performance Using SmartProfiler requires you to check many settings in your AVD Environment.
We have identified and worked with customers globally to ensure your AVD environment is configured correctly and according to Microsoft best practices.
Are Session Hosts Optimized for Logon?
Are Session Hosts Optimized for Performance?
FSLogix Profile Container is configured according to your AVD Environment and Best Practices?
FSLogix Office Container is configured according to your AVD Environment and Best Practices?
Have you taken considerations to ensure RDP Properties are set correctly?
Are Antivirus Settings configured correctly?
Is AVD Environment security configured correctly?
Have you disabled not required Services in Session Hosts to optimize Performance?
Have you disabled not required Scheduled Tasks in Session Hosts to optimize Performance?
Have you disabled not required AutoLoggers in Session Hosts to optimize Performance?
Have you uninstalled not required AppPackages in Session Hosts to optimize Performance?
Have you configured Session Hosts for SMB and BITS Optimization?
Have you configured AVD Environment for Optimization of Office Apps?
Have you configured Session Hosts for Operating System RunTime Optimization and Windows Explorer?
Have you Tweaked Session Hosts for Network, Auto-Troubleshooter, Edge, and XBOX?
Have you disabled Apps Suggestions and Error Reporting on Session Hosts?
Have you configured Session Hosts for best Visual Performance?
Have you applied necessary Settings for Windows/Office Updates and Session Time-Out Settings?
Have you applied Web Search and Other Tweaks, so user experience is optimized?
Have you configured Recommended Settings for FSLogix Logging?
Have you taken considerations to apply FSLogix Redirection for Software Applications?
Have you applied recommended settings in an AVD Environment for Windows Cortana and Telemetry?
AVD Assessment Objectives and Use Cases
Check AVD Environment Performance and FSLogix Settings.
Check if Settings are configured correctly across the host pools.
Find configuration inconsistencies across host pools.
Checks Settings Score for all host pools.
Use AVD Assessment as Benchmark to ensure all Settings are configured in AVD Image before deploying Session Hosts from Image.
For example, you can create FSLogix Assessment Template to include only Profile and Office Container Settings for all or scoped host pools.
Supports generating reports
Each Assessment Template can apply to one or more or all Host Pools.
Two Assessment Methods Supported: Direct Access to Session Hosts Network or using VM Script Extension.
Support Assessment without having direct network access to Session Host Networks.
AVD Assessment Summary Host Pools
Shows AVD Assessment Summary for selected Host Pool. You can check status for all host pools by selecting “All Host Pools” from dropdown. Below screenshot also displays settings score for current host pool.
Checking Details for each Item
Allows you to check details for selected Item. For example, below screenshot displays FSLogix Settings configured for selected host pools and if they are configured according to best practices.
All Settings – All Host Pools
All Settings for all Host Pools in a single console to help you understand configuration consistency status.
Overall Dashboard for Host Pools
Shows Settings Score and AVD Category score for all or selected host pools.
RDP Properties Explorer
RDP Properties Explorer can be used to check RDP Properties configured for each host pool. It also shows the settings which are not recommended.
Creating AVD Assessment Templates
AVD Assessment is executed by using the Assessment Template.
Multiple Assessment Templates can be created.
For example, you can create an AVD Assessment Template which only includes FSLogix Profile and Office Container Categories.
Each Assessment Template has following attributes: Scoped Host Pools, Network Type, and AVD Assessment Categories